Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Analysis Of The Poem Alaska - 1113 Words

Alaska. The word conjures images of majestic mountains, deep-blue glaciers, adventure, and quite possibly the most extreme and rugged place on Earth. My family spent one of the greatest weeks of our lives there this past summer. Homer is the last stop along the Alaskan highway system, five hours southwest of Anchorage. It isn’t much, just a couple hundred houses nestled high up on the hillside, and a sandy spit, jutting five miles into the sea. Across the bay from Homer lies Kachemak Bay State Park, 400,000 acres of rugged mountains and flowing ice fields. The place where we stayed rested on the outskirts, right on the ocean. We had plans for all but one of the days we spent across the bay. When the day arrived, most of my family prepared†¦show more content†¦I finished the apple I’d been working on and we headed off. From the trail’s official terminus, the ridge flattened out before rising sharply. This repeated several times, each time stretching higher and steeper, before finally flattening out a thousand feet above our position. On this final shelf sat the summit, hidden from view by thick clouds. On we hiked towards the cloud cover, passing by crystal clear ponds and fields of snow, left over from the winter before. As we gained elevation the temperature dropped and a wind came up out of the south, forcing us to stop after a few minutes to put on our extra jackets. We did our best to stick to the center of the ridge from that point onwards. If it hadn’t been as wide, we would have had to turn back for fear of being blown off the edge. The worsening conditions made continuing difficult, but we did so nevertheless. Carefully, we picked our way through the snowfields and knee-high brush until we began to notice wisps of fog around us. We had entered the cloud. Soon, all we could see when we looked behind us were streams of pale white. When the clouds cleared for a moment I managed to get a picture. The ridge stretched back behind us, dotted with blue-white ice, and off in the distance the bright Homer spit stretched into the deep blue ocean like a knife through butter. I don’t know if I have seen anything more beautiful before or sinceShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem Looking For Alaska 1543 Words   |  7 Pagesperhaps in a girl named Alaska Young, and this is where the book Looking for Alaska’s story begins to unfold its intricate layers of narrative. Though it is possible for a middle schooler to read this book, themes such as intimacy, suffering, and closure resound through the chapters on many different levels that critical thinking is a must to truly understand the in-de pth narration in the head of Miles Halter. One hundred twenty-eight days before. 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